Willoughby, a Warwickshire Village

Imaging our past and present (IOPP)

This is a project being run by County Archaeology to give people the opportunity to highlight historic buildings or landscapes in their community that are important to them. They are keen for as many people as possible to be involved so instead of asking people to fill in questionnaires/write to them they want people to send photographs!! No printing or post required they can be loaded on to a web site called 'Flickr' ( www.flickr.com/groups/1686986@N24/ ) .

In the past identifying buildings, monuments, etc. that should be protected has been down to 'officials'. The new planning arrangements place more emphasis on local views. Local lists of valued heritage features will be compiled. This project provides an easy way for people to get buildings, monuments, and landscapes that they believe are important considered. Simply take a photograph and add it to the web site with brief details of the location and why it is worth protecting. The photos don't have to be masterpieces they just have to clearly show the subject.

This is a great way to get our Nationally Important Ridge & Furrow recorded as well as buildings and features around the village.

Don't worry if you can't access the internet or have problems with flickr. Just take the photo then contact Richard Jackson and he will upload it for you. If you have access to the internet then go to www.willoughbyweb.net and look for the 'Imaging our past and present' page where there is more information and links to the flickr collection. Let's get Willoughby on the lists!! There will also be a competition for villagers linked to Willoughby 2012. so get snapping


Before you can upload photographs you need to create a flickr account. If you have a Yahoo or Facebook id and password then you can use it to log into flickr and create a new flickr account otherwise you will need to create a Yahoo account first - there is a log in box on the flickr home page (link on the right) this also has a button to create a new account. It is straight forward and only takes a couple of minutes.

Once you have set your flickr account up click on groups and search for 'warwickshireHER' this will bring up an entry with the bear and staff logo. Either click on join here or click on the greoup name to go to its home page and there is a 'join this group' button.

ADD A PICTURE: - Whe you have a photo to add go to the IOPP flickr group page (link top right) and click on 'Add photos' To make finding willoughby pictures easier give it a title 'Willoughby - ____' the search box on the group page will then make it easy to find our village photographs.

ADD COMMENTS - Once a photograph is on the site other people can add their comments - the more there are agreeing that the subject is valued and worthy of listing the more likely it is that 'officialdom' will take note!! so do look at other peoples photographs and add your comments - there is a box to do so on the photograph's page.