Willoughby, a Warwickshire Village

Willoughby 2012

Willoughby has been fortunate to secure funding from the Central Warwickshire LEADER Fund to enable it to hold a series of events during June to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, The Willoughby Society's 50th Anniversary, and London 2012.

All daytime events are free. Tickets for the evening events are fantastic value see the order form for full details (link top right)

The Village will be alive with activity in June find out more:


  2nd -  5th June -   Jubilee Weekend    Details of these events are in the Willoughby Monthly and here.

 8th -10th June -  

Arts Weekend     - Click here

15th-17th June -  

Heritage Weekend     - Click here

23rd-24th June -  

 Willoughby Weekend    - Click here